Extensive Business Software Experience, Diverse Problem Solving Capabilities
nGeneYes uses the most advanced technology to create sound business systems to meet a variety of needs. nGeneYes’s qualified specialists are among the best technical experts in the industry. This expertise combined with years of practical business experience enables them to solve today’s most difficult problems and effectively plan for the needs of tomorrow.
Service Offerings
Professional Services:
Requirements Analysis
Implementation Services
Systems Architectural Design
Hardware Specification
Business Process Engineering
Specialized Software Development:
Conventional & Web Applications
iPhone & Mobile Applications
Web & Internet Services
Hand Held & Wireless Systems
Business Management Systems
Advanced Barcode Systems
Document & Image Management
Machine & Process Control
Interface Development
Development Environments
Client Operating System:
Windows 11
Windows 10
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
iPhone & Mobile
Internet Explorer
Server Operating System:
Windows 2019
Windows 2016
Windows 2012
Windows 2008
Windows 2003
Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Microsoft Terminal Server
Databases System:
SQL Server
Legacy System:
Windows NT Workstation
Windows 98
Windows 95
MS Dos
Windows for Workgroups
Windows NT
Citrix Metaframe
Novell Netware
Netware SQL