The people behind nGeneYes have a strong history of technological breakthroughs and success in meeting the needs of a wide array of clients. Following is a brief chronology of our achievements over the years.
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By 1998 ARvee Systems had completed hundreds of systems for companies all over the world. Even though EVERY system was unique, they did have one thing in common. Document Management… This was the DOT COM era, so our founders formed another corporation. was born. In 2002 the product that was created by and all of the related assets were sold to ConvergentEDM.
This would trigger a rebirth of what was ARvee Systems was reborn as nGeneYes,Inc.

In 1990 our founders started ARvee Systems They did this by reverse engineering an interface to a proprietary High Tech Japanese Manufacturing System. Then licensed it back to them for distribution around the United Sates and Europe.
ARvee Systems was a Specialized Software Development Company, (just like nGeneYes) that would go through some evolutionary changes over the next 2 decades.